Determining Your 457 Plan Options
Employee Benefits Law Group understands 457 plan rules and regulations, and can help you determine which of these plans may work for you and if they could be used in conjunction with other plans. We can design and draft the plan document and work with your financial advisor to determine the best investments for the plan.
We understand the nuances of 457 plans.
Governmental and select tax-exempt employers may want to consider a 457(b) plan, which works similarly to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan, or a 457(f) plan. Unlike 401(k) or 403(b) plans, 457 plans may allow independent contractors to participate.
Cost Savings and Full Protection
We’ll regularly review and analyze statutory and regulatory changes. Upon your request, we can also review your plan’s design, costs, fiduciary structure and operational compliance. We’ve helped many clients dramatically lower their costs and limit the potential fiduciary exposure of employers and their employees. We’ve done this by analyzing the best administrative structures and, in the case of public plans, the best fiduciary structures for their organizations – ultimately establishing the best administrative and investment practices.
We provide a full suite of services to help you get the most out of individually sponsored retirement plans in addition to 457 plans. These include 401(k) plans, defined benefit pension plans, cash balance plans and 403(b) tax-sheltered annuities (TSAs). We can work with you to design a plan to suit your needs, help you address issues with a current plan, or evaluate your plan to find potential cost-savings or uncover potential problems.